Oil and Gas

Course catalogue



Course type

Course provider

  • Mintra Trainingportal
Course code: MUK-023
Course type: Blended course
Duration: 250 minutes
Language: English
Price: From GBP 125,-

Who is this course for?

Personnel with responsibility for the Control of Work at the worksite(s).


Is previous experience required?

You do not need prior knowledge or experience to complete this course and it is assumed that you are competent in your designated role.


How will the course benefit me?

This course will provide you with an understanding of the skills required to safely carry out the role of a Performing Authority.


How will the course benefit my company?

This course aims to ensure that all members of the global Oil and Gas workforce have a consistent and common understanding of, and approach to, Control of Work.


What standards or regulations are referenced in the course?

• The Health and Safety at Work Act

• The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations

• The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations

• The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH)

• HSG 250 and 253

• Electricity at Work Regulations 

• Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 

• Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 

• Manual Handling Operations Regulations 

• Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 

• Work at Height Regulations 

• Control of Vibration at Work Regulations

• Control of Noise at Work Regulations

• Confined Spaces Regulations


Is there an assessment?






OPITO Approved Certification for this course is ONLY issued when this course is undertaken in an OPITO approved training centre.


To book your course in our approved eLearning facility please contact our sales team who will be happy to assist.


Phone:  +44 (0)1224 651340  E-mail:   Sales-UK@mintragroup.com


Please Note: There is a separate charge from OPITO of £25 for the issue of a certificate upon course completion.


Please find pre-course information and learning outcomes here: 


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